Saturday, December 11, 2010

Toys for Tots!!!! Mankind Tracer Concert!

What a Event! The Best of Second Life Concert, benefiting Toys of Tots!

Sunday, December 12th
A special concert with an advisory to get there at noon to get ready for the Mankind Tracer concert!

Blueron Clyburn opens for Mankind at 12:40PM SLT.

Come for this seasonal multi-sim event and they are expecting 400 people in attendance, so it might be an excellent idea to get right over there at 12:00 PM SLT. Be sure to buy the Toys for Tots Holiday Album available at various kiosks across SL.

Patch Thibaud Auditorium VIP Center

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Two Moon Paradise XMAS Kickoff

HOhoHO. Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow. As Long as I have some place warm to go. LOL. Heya, here's the cool news for the holiday season - Second Life is starting early! Well at least, Two Moon Paradise, a new venue, wants to throw you a party with the Gift of Live Music. The party begins at 5PM SLT, with Gabryel Nayokia, continues with Mummaluv Skytower, and then finishes with a big bang, The Follow. All compliments of Two Moon Paradise Owner Shiran Sabra.

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Radiant Saturday!!!!

Curator Matthew Anthony's Radiant Cathedral and Art Museum is open Saturday, November 13th. Come for the "formal" grand opening at 5 PM SLT. Enjoy the 60 pieces of art inside the cathedral and throughout the grounds that surround it - paintings to sculptures to jewelry, etc. Some rare items!

See more photos from last night - consider it a preview:

See ya on the grid! :) Soni!

Wish you had a fairy Godmother?

Welcome to the Weekend! Check you SL events listings on cool live music and add some magic to your virtual experience. Lots of art and culture as well. See you on the grid!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

knock knock

Soni - neko angel, lol.

Last week, I was busy with end of the year celebrations. Hope you had some real and Second Life fun, too. There might be a few less parties this weekend, but plenty of live musicians to hear on the grid - and looking at just Saturday, check out your SL "Live Music" Events listings for these musicians (time and location):

Clairede Dirval @ Steampunk Blues
Maximillion Kleene@The Playhouse
Lexie Luan@NAG
Rosedrop Rust@Twlight live
TerryLynn Melody@Khisme
Strum Diesal@Kasbah
Christopher135Quan@San Diego City
Anek Fuchs@Hells Bells
Raspbury Rearwin@Kasbah
and many many more...

Definitely, I want to get all these musicians and more on BOSL Radio! I have some, but not all. I have others not listed above. Have a suggestion, please drop me an IM or email.

:) Soni

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oooooo Halloween

Well happy trick or treat on the grid this weekend. But really now, it will be definitely difficult to top Umberto Giano's Halloween Party in Hell.

He relocated Club Nine this Monday to Hell for a smokin' bash. Those were just some photos that I have been burning to show ya -

Club Nine - Monday and Thursday night, live djs

:) Soni

Saturday, October 23, 2010

BOSL New Music Adds

An amazing talent has been added to the BOSL playlist and my Slow Bake show on BOSL Radio.

Let's welcome Jody Mubble of Y Factor!

"Every guitar, bass, keyboard, drum line and vocal line, every miscellaneous sound heard is written and performed by me." - Jody Mubble

Some links:

Can You

Miserable Eyes

Deja Vodoo

Something More Than Human

Feel free to contact Jody directly!

:) Soni

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Public Service Announcement!!!


This weekend, no Slow Bake show. Catch you next weekend!

Remember two things this weekend:

1. Please support your local Second Life musicians. I have been busy with my rez day! I will catch you up soon with who's doing what, and in the meanwhile check your local SL calendar events for listings for live music events.

2. Saturday, it's a special all day live BOSL broadcast launching the new Redgrave sim in Second Life. Activities all day. BOSL is streaming the final event of 'Fashion Rocks' at the REDGRAVE sims. Lots of music including CraigLyons Writer, BOSL reports live from the scene, and tons of gossip! LOL. Turn into BOSL Radio, and better yet, join us for the fun:

:) Soni!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

38 Special Rocks Grid

Saturday night, October 9th, SL's 38 Special rocked Independent Pride on the grid. People got a bit crazy, losing some clothing items. The performance was incredibly flawless. Kudos to the production team! Connect to Soni's Flickr Site for more photos (sorry only PG ones, lol).

Friday, October 8, 2010

Guitar Zane at Gwampa's!

It was another busy Thursday nite at Gwampa's. AcousticEnergy finished his set and Guitar Zane took to the stage. Of course, he didn't get the name "guitar" without cause. His performance was super and wowed the good sized weekday crowd. I noticed that Gwampa's was going to host a major live music event this Saturday, October 9th. Note the lineup below (click on photo to enlarge it):
Sidenote: I love the four seasons - one for each of the four sims. It is a performance space that encourages creativity and freedom.

Ahh, there's my good buddy Sher Salmson, staying around after AE to catch Guitar Zane. Smart choice! Smart woman!

There's the one and only Gwampa!

For now, that's it from Soni :)!

Don Back at Bama

Don Galaga performed Monday night at Bama Breeze once again. Good times on the Jimmy Buffet like isle. Be sure to drop by and let the sand sink between your toes, while you dance to one of the most talented guys on the grid. I hear that Harry Frychester will performing this coming week. Join Bama Breeze to keep up with the events!

:) Soni

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Okay back to AcousticEnergy

AcousticEnergy Nitely will be releasing an album sometime around the end of the year/new year. But you don't have to wait to hear him; check your local SL listings under live music.

That's Sher Salmson, looking classy in the red gown as always. She manages AE - well, with his scheduling (Don't think she can "manage" him, lol, jk). When he flirts with women in the audience, he always says that it is for "entertainment purposes" only. LOL. My lovely friend Faith Hema captured him for a moment for me to take a few pics of the two. As you see, I also threw in a few other pics in this blog from the evening's concert on Thursday.

Catch you on the grid and listening to BOSL Radio.

:) Soni