Saturday, August 16, 2014

Three Days of SL Live Music

27 musicians


Performing live over three days!   

Friday to Sunday (August 15-17th)   

organized by The Network of Sobriety (NOS)

Friday, August 15th
Beah Meleth - 6pm
Susie Darling - 7pm
Quartz - 8pm
Clarice Karu - 9pm
Amforte Clarity - 10pm
Lucky Chiung - 11pm

Saturday, August 16th
Balladeer Christensen - 12pm
Billy Talon - 1pm
JC Farstrider - 2pm
Khiron Ametza - 3pm
Mark Siningit - 4pm
Satin Galli & Erin68 Frog - 5pm
Luke Auster  - 6pm
Mimi Singer - 7pm
Leeman Convel - 8pm
Midnight McCarty - 9pm
Winston Ackland - 10pm
LizAday - 11pm

Sunday, August 17th
Lightnin Lowtide - 12pm
Josie Anderton - 1pm
Kawana Pinklady - 2pm
Scooter Fallen - 3pm
Chris Quan - 4pm
The Kinagree Smith Band - 5pm
Wytchwhisper Sadofsky - 6pm
Terrytoon & Blonde - 7pm
Nance Brody - 8pm


Saturday, August 9, 2014

EVENTS: Live Music Talent in Second Life

Music Events - Around the Grid
`Slow Bake' picks & more, from DJ Sonicity for SL Live radio.

James Olmos (AcousticEnergy Nitely) at LC Live @ The Lost Coconut Music Park, August 9, 2014
Some fantastic music around the grid daily.  I feature many of the musicians listed here on my show, Slow Bake, and hope to check out those that I have not heard yet.  I am always open to new SL music (MP3s, CDs, etc.) to include on my show.   I would also like to hear some of your favorites perform in-world.  Every now and then, I toss into the mix unsigned indie music off the grid, in an attempt to encourage artists to become part of the SL live music scene. 

Know anyone I should check out for my show?
Drop me a note,    IM: Sonicity Fitzroy.  

Tune in Sundays Noon to 2PM on SL Live
Stream URL for SL:

Below, events subject to change, consult your the listings in the SL Calendar of Events for updates.  

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Tukso Okey Live!
Live Music
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